Hello Neighbors,
I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Leigh Anne Maxwell and I have volunteered to be on the Social Committee for Country Club Greens. I live on the South side of our neighborhood with my husband Jon Maxwell and our three boys, Blake 13, Brooks 5, and Brayden 5. I really love the uniqueness of our neighborhood and the support we give one another. When describing my neighborhood to others, I always brag about how much our neighbors look out for each other. I believe it’s because we have built some great relationships over the years. That’s what makes me want to be a part of the social committee and help plan things that will bring our community even closer together. Hearing the history of the neighborhood and how in the past there were Holiday parties, volleyball games, bunko nights, etc. makes me want to possibly bring some of that back. I know we all have very busy schedules but thought if we plan things long in advance and have them scheduled and recurring every year, we may could add it to our busy schedules and participate. I wanted to get your feedback and hear from you on things you would like to see happen. Here’s some fun ideas that come to mind….Golf Cart/UTV Parades, Tree Lighting for the Holidays, Chili Cook Offs, Hay Rides for the kids which lead to the park for fall festivals, etc. Also, if you would like to join me on this new committee, please feel free to txt me at 281-433-5794 with your contact information. I look forward to hearing your ideas and meeting all of you at our future events.
Leigh Anne Maxwell